Dedicated to the Western Esoteric Tradition

What is Spiritualism? YSB018

Play episode

This is Your Spiritual Broadcast all about Spiritualism.

Started in the USA around 1840 in New York State.

David digs into the spiritual history books and reveals fascinating facts about this movement.

* What is a trance?

* Does Theosophy and Spiritualism differ?

* What really happens in a seance?

* More about the trance-state

* Spiritual Guides (and a curious fact about them)

* Materialization Mediums – and what this is really all about.

* Plus much more…

Join David and I as we dig deep into this interesting group and their influence on the Western Esoteric evolution.

Please email us your feedback and questions for Your Spiritual Broadcast to:
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Dedicated to Your Spirit,Benjamin Philips
for Rising Phoenix Foundation
And our podcast:

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